How Long Does it Take to get Good at Arm Wrestling?

If you’re new to arm wrestling, you might be wondering how long it takes to get good at it. At first, experienced guests are likely to show you every corner of the table.

So how long does it take to get good at arm wrestling?


How long it takes to get good at arm wrestling depends on a few different factors, including your natural strength and athletic ability, how often you practice, and how much effort you put into improving your technique. With regular practice and dedication, most people can become proficient at arm wrestling within a few months. However, it can take longer to become truly skilled and competitive at the sport. Ultimately, the key to getting good at arm wrestling is to practice consistently and focus on improving your technique.

We will tell all the factors that can play a role and with what exercises you can boost your development.

two women engaging in arm wrestling

This determines how long it takes to get good at arm wrestling

There are several factors that can affect how long it takes to get good at arm wrestling. These include:

  • Natural strength and athletic ability: If you have a naturally strong and athletic build, you may be able to pick up the basics of arm wrestling more quickly than someone who is less physically fit.
  • Practice and dedication: The more often you practice arm wrestling, and the more focused and dedicated you are to improving your technique, the faster you will be able to improve.
  • Training and coaching: If you have access to a good arm wrestling coach or trainer, they can provide you with valuable tips and advice on how to improve your technique and increase your strength.
  • Previous experience with other strength-based activities: If you have experience with other activities that require upper body strength, such as weightlifting or rock climbing, you may be able to transfer some of those skills to arm wrestling and improve more quickly.
  • Physical injuries or health conditions: If you have any physical injuries or health conditions that limit your range of motion or strength, it may take longer to get good at arm wrestling. It’s important to consult with a doctor or physical therapist before starting any new physical activity, to ensure that it is safe and appropriate for you.

Will some people never get good at arm wrestling?

It is possible that some people may never become good at arm wrestling, although this is not necessarily a common occurrence. 

Man is experiencing pain in his left armThere are a few reasons why this might happen. For example, some people may have physical injuries or health conditions that prevent them from participating in arm wrestling, or they may simply not have the natural strength and athletic ability needed to excel in the sport. 

Additionally, some people may not be willing to put in the time and effort required to become good at arm wrestling, or they may not be interested in the sport itself. 

In general, however, most people who are willing to practice consistently and work on improving their technique can become good at arm wrestling over time.

What can I do to improve my arm wrestling skills more quickly?

To improve your arm wrestling skills more quickly, there are several specific exercises you can try. These include:

  • Wrist and hand strengthening exercises: Arm wrestling is a sport that puts a lot of stress on your wrists and hands, so it’s important to build up the strength in these areas. Some wrist and hand strengthening exercises you can try include wrist curls, reverse wrist curls, and grip squeezes.
  • Forearm and bicep exercises: Strong forearms and biceps are essential for arm wrestling, so it’s important to include exercises that target these muscles in your training routine. Some forearm and bicep exercises you can try include reverse curls, hammer curls, and reverse grip curls.
  • Tricep and shoulder exercises: Arm wrestling also requires strong triceps and shoulders, so it’s important to include exercises that target these muscles in your training routine. Some tricep and shoulder exercises you can try include tricep pushdowns, overhead tricep extensions, and lateral raises.
  • Grip and hand positioning exercises: In arm wrestling, your grip and hand positioning can be just as important as your raw strength. To improve these skills, you can try practicing different grip styles and hand positions, and experimenting with different ways to apply pressure to your opponent’s hand.

Overall, the key to improving your arm wrestling skills quickly is to create a well-rounded training routine that focuses on building strength and improving technique. By practicing consistently and challenging yourself to try new things, you can improve your arm wrestling skills more quickly and become a more competitive arm wrestler.

Is it possible to become a competitive arm wrestler without a lot of natural strength?

It is possible to become a competitive arm wrestler without a lot of natural strength. While having a naturally strong and athletic build can certainly give you an advantage in arm wrestling, there are many other factors that can affect your success in the sport. 

These include your technique, your grip and hand positioning, your mental focus and determination, and your overall strategy. By focusing on these factors and working to improve them, you can become a competitive arm wrestler even if you don’t have a lot of natural strength. 

Additionally, you can use specialized training techniques, such as grip training or isometric exercises, to help build up your strength and improve your arm wrestling skills.

How long it takes to become a professional arm wrestler

The amount of time it takes to become a professional arm wrestler can vary depending on a number of factors, including your natural strength and athletic ability, how often you practice, and how much effort you put into improving your technique. 

For most people, it can take several years of consistent practice and training to become a professional arm wrestler. 

The average amount of time it takes to become a professional arm wrestler is likely to be around 3-5 years, although some people may be able to achieve this goal more quickly or more slowly depending on their individual circumstances. 

Ultimately, the key to becoming a professional arm wrestler is to practice consistently and focus on improving your technique, while also competing in as many arm wrestling tournaments as possible to gain experience and build your reputation.

Common mistakes that beginners make in arm wrestling and how to avoid them

Some common mistakes that beginners make in arm wrestling include:

  • Not using a proper grip: One of the most common mistakes beginners make in arm wrestling is not using a proper grip. In arm wrestling, it’s important to use a grip that is firm but not too tight, and that allows you to apply pressure to your opponent’s hand without tiring yourself out. To avoid this mistake, make sure to practice different grip styles and find one that works well for you.
  • Not using their legs: Many beginners in arm wrestling make the mistake of only using their arms to apply pressure, without engaging their legs and core muscles. In arm wrestling, it’s important to use your entire body to generate power and leverage, so make sure to engage your legs and core muscles to help you apply more pressure to your opponent’s hand.
  • Not using their wrist and hand effectively: Another common mistake that beginners make in arm wrestling is not using their wrist and hand effectively. In arm wrestling, your wrist and hand are crucial for applying pressure and maintaining your grip, so make sure to practice different wrist and hand positions to find ones that work well for you.
  • Not maintaining a strong and stable base: Beginners in arm wrestling often make the mistake of not maintaining a strong and stable base, which can make it easier for their opponent to apply pressure and gain the upper hand. To avoid this mistake, make sure to keep your feet planted firmly on the ground and your body balanced and aligned, so that you can resist your opponent’s pressure and apply pressure of your own.
  • Not staying focused and determined: Finally, many beginners in arm wrestling make the mistake of losing focus and determination during a match, which can make it easier for their opponent to gain the upper hand. To avoid this mistake, make sure to stay focused and determined throughout the entire arm wrestling match, and never give up even if it looks like you’re going to lose.

Take home message

With regular practice and dedication, most people can become proficient at arm wrestling within a few months. However, it can take longer to become truly skilled and competitive at the sport. Ultimately, the key to getting good at arm wrestling is to practice consistently and focus on improving your technique.

In conclusion, arm wrestling is a challenging and rewarding sport that can take time and practice to master. By focusing on improving your technique, building up your strength, and staying determined and focused, you can become a skilled and competitive arm wrestler over time. With dedication and hard work, you can achieve your goals in arm wrestling and enjoy the thrill of victory in this exciting and challenging sport.


About Diederik

Diederik has been practicing arm wrestling for over 4 years now. He enjoys helping beginners to learn proper arm wrestling techniques and also maintains oversight of safety.