How to do the Hook in Arm Wrestling

The hook is a powerful technique that you can use in arm wrestling to gain an advantage over your opponent.

To perform the hook, you’ll need to use a quick, circular motion of the wrist to gain leverage and surprise your opponent. 

This technique requires both strength and technique, and it can be an effective way to gain an advantage in arm wrestling matches.


A step-by-step guide to doing a hook in arm wrestling:

  • Start by gripping your opponent’s hand firmly, using a standard arm wrestling grip. This means wrapping your fingers around the back of your opponent’s hand, with your thumb on top.
  • Once you have a strong grip, rotate your wrist so that your palm is facing upward. This will allow you to use the circular motion needed for the hook.
  • From this position, use a quick, circular motion to try and hook your opponent’s hand. You can do this by moving your hand in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction, depending on which hand you are using.
  • As you do this, try to gain leverage by pushing down on your opponent’s hand with your elbow. This will help you to surprise your opponent and potentially gain an advantage.
  • Keep using the hooking motion until you feel like you have a strong enough grip to overpower your opponent. Remember to use both strength and technique to try and win the arm wrestling match.


In this article, we’ll provide a step-by-step guide to mastering the hook in arm wrestling and the common mistakes people make.

woman attempting the hook during an arm wresteling match

Common mistakes that people make when using the hook in arm wrestling

There are some common mistakes that people make when using the hook in arm wrestling. Here are a few examples:

  1. Not using enough wrist action. One mistake that people often make when using the hook is not using enough wrist action. The hook is a technique that relies on a quick, circular motion of the wrist to gain leverage, so it’s important to use a strong, fluid wrist action to make it effective.
  2. Not gaining enough leverage. Another mistake that people sometimes make when using the hook is not gaining enough leverage. To use the hook effectively, you need to push down on your opponent’s hand with your elbow to gain an advantage. If you don’t do this, you may not be able to overpower your opponent and win the match.
  3. Not using the right hand position. A third mistake that people sometimes make when using the hook is not using the right hand position. To do the hook, you need to rotate your wrist so that your palm is facing upward. If you don’t do this, you won’t be able to use the circular motion needed for the hook.
  4. Not practicing enough. Finally, a common mistake that people make when using the hook in arm wrestling is not practicing enough. Arm wrestling is a sport that requires both strength and technique, so it’s important to practice and train regularly to improve your skills. This will help you to become a more well-rounded arm wrestler and give you a better chance of winning matches.

How you can gain leverage when using the hook

To gain leverage when using the hook in arm wrestling, you need to push down on your opponent’s hand with your elbow. This will help you to overpower your opponent and win the match.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to gaining leverage when using the hook (repeated from the quick answer):

  1. Start by gripping your opponent’s hand firmly, using a standard arm wrestling grip. This means wrapping your fingers around the back of your opponent’s hand, with your thumb on top.
  2. Once you have a strong grip, rotate your wrist so that your palm is facing upward. This will allow you to use the circular motion needed for the hook.
  3. From this position, use a quick, circular motion to try and hook your opponent’s hand. You can do this by moving your hand in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction, depending on which hand you are using.
  4. As you do this, try to gain leverage by pushing down on your opponent’s hand with your elbow. This will help you to surprise your opponent and potentially gain an advantage.
  5. Keep using the hooking motion and pushing down with your elbow until you feel like you have a strong enough grip to overpower your opponent. Remember to use both strength and technique to try and win the arm wrestling match.

It’s important to note that gaining leverage is just one part of using the hook effectively in arm wrestling. You’ll also need to use the right hand position and wrist action, as well as practice and train regularly to improve your arm wrestling skills. By combining all of these factors, you can become a more well-rounded arm wrestler and increase your chances of winning matches.

Types of hooks and when to use them

There are several different types of arm wrestling hooks that competitors may use during a match. These techniques involve using the elbow and forearm to create a lever, which allows the competitor to generate a large amount of force and potentially overpower their opponent. The specific type of hook used may vary depending on the individual competitor’s style and preferences, but some common types of hooks include the following:

  1. The standard hook – This is the most common type of hook used in arm wrestling. It involves gripping the opponent’s hand with the fingers and thumb, and using the elbow and forearm to create a lever. This hook can be used to apply pressure and control the opponent’s arm, and is often used as a starting point for more advanced hooks.
  2. The low hook – This type of hook involves gripping the opponent’s hand with the fingers and thumb, and using the elbow and forearm to create a lever at a lower point on the arm. This hook can be effective for applying pressure and control, but may be less powerful than other hooks.
  3. The high hook – This type of hook involves gripping the opponent’s hand with the fingers and thumb, and using the elbow and forearm to create a lever at a higher point on the arm. This hook can be very powerful, but may also be less stable and more vulnerable to counter-moves.
  4. The reverse hook – This type of hook involves gripping the opponent’s hand with the fingers and thumb, and using the elbow and forearm to create a lever in the opposite direction to a standard hook. This hook can be effective for catching the opponent off guard, but may also be less powerful and more difficult to maintain.

When to use these hooks may vary depending on the individual competitor’s style and preferences, as well as the specific situation in the match. Some competitors may prefer to use a particular hook consistently throughout the match, while others may use different hooks at different points in the match. Ultimately, the best hook to use will depend on the individual circumstances of the match and the strategies and techniques of the competitors.

How to train your arm to increase hook power

There are several training techniques that you can use to increase the power of your arm wrestling hook. These techniques can help you develop the strength and technique needed to generate more force and control during a match. Here are some tips for training your arm to increase hook power:

  1. man performing a bicep curlUse weight training exercises to build strength in your elbow, forearm, and upper arm muscles. This can include exercises such as bicep curls, tricep extensions, and wrist curls.
  2. Practice gripping and pulling exercises to develop the grip strength and control needed for a powerful hook. This can include exercises such as towel pulls and grip strength trainers.
  3. Practice arm wrestling techniques and strategies with a partner or training partner. This can help you develop the coordination and timing needed for a powerful hook.
  4. Use resistance training techniques to build strength and endurance in your arm muscles. This can include exercises such as band pulls and isometric holds.
  5. Incorporate stretching and flexibility exercises into your training routine to improve your range of motion and reduce the risk of injury. This can include exercises such as wrist stretches and elbow rotations.

By incorporating these training techniques into your routine, you can develop the strength and technique needed to generate a powerful arm wrestling hook. With time and practice, you can improve your hook power and become a more competitive arm wrestler.

Which muscles are used when performing a hook

When performing a hook in arm wrestling, several muscles are used to generate the force and control needed to overpower the opponent. Some of the key muscles involved in a hook include:

  1. Biceps – The biceps muscles are located in the front of the upper arm, and are responsible for flexing the elbow and bringing the hand towards the shoulder. In a hook, the biceps are used to create the leverage needed to apply pressure and control the opponent’s arm.
  2. Triceps – The triceps muscles are located in the back of the upper arm, and are responsible for extending the elbow and straightening the arm. In a hook, the triceps are used to provide the stability and control needed to maintain the hook position.
  3. Forearm muscles – The forearm contains several smaller muscles that are responsible for flexing and extending the wrist and fingers. In a hook, these muscles are used to grip the opponent’s hand and provide the control and stability needed to maintain the hook position.
  4. Upper arm muscles – The upper arm contains several larger muscles that are responsible for moving the shoulder and arm. In a hook, these muscles are used to provide the stability and support needed to generate force and control the opponent’s arm.

Overall, the muscles used in a hook are responsible for providing the strength, stability, and control needed to generate force and overpower the opponent. By training these muscles and developing their strength and coordination, you can improve your arm wrestling hook and become a more competitive arm wrestler.

How to counter a hook in arm wrestling

To counter a hook in arm wrestling, you can try a few different techniques. One option is to apply pressure to your opponent’s wrist with your free hand, which can help to straighten out their arm and prevent them from hooking your arm. 

Another option is to quickly rotate your hand and wrist, which can help to break your opponent’s grip and create an opening for you to apply more pressure. 

Finally, you can try to shift your body weight and leverage to create a stronger position, which can give you the upper hand in the arm wrestling match.

Other techniques that you can use in arm wrestling

There are many other techniques that you can use in arm wrestling, in addition to the hook. Some of these techniques include:

The top roll. The top roll is a technique that involves using your wrist and elbow to roll your opponent’s hand over and gain leverage. To do the top roll, you’ll need to start with a standard arm wrestling grip and then use your wrist and elbow to apply pressure and roll your opponent’s hand over. This can be a powerful technique if done correctly.

The thumb press. The thumb press is a technique that involves using your thumb to apply pressure to your opponent’s thumb. To do the thumb press, you’ll need to grip your opponent’s hand firmly and then use your thumb to press down on their thumb. This can help you to gain leverage and potentially win the arm wrestling match.

The hand shake. The hand shake is a technique that involves using a quick, jerking motion to try and surprise your opponent. To do the hand shake, you’ll need to grip your opponent’s hand firmly and then use a quick, jerking motion to try and throw them off balance. This technique can be especially effective if you use it at the beginning of the arm wrestling match.

The pinch. The pinch is a technique that involves using your fingers to apply pressure to your opponent’s fingers. To do the pinch, you’ll need to grip your opponent’s hand firmly and then use your fingers to apply pressure to their fingers. This can help you to gain leverage and potentially win the arm wrestling match.

Overall, there are many different techniques that you can use in arm wrestling. The key is to practice and train regularly to improve your arm wrestling skills, so that you can become a more well-rounded arm wrestler and increase your chances of winning matches.

Take home message

In conclusion, the hook is a powerful technique that you can use in arm wrestling to gain an advantage over your opponent. 

To do a hook in arm wrestling, you’ll need to first grip your opponent’s hand firmly. Once you have a strong grip, rotate your wrist so that your palm is facing upward. From this position, you can use a quick, circular motion to try and hook your opponent’s hand and gain leverage. This technique is often used to surprise your opponent and gain an advantage. It’s important to remember that arm wrestling is a sport that requires both strength and technique, so practicing and training can help you improve your hook and your overall arm wrestling skills.

With practice and training, you can improve your arm wrestling skills and become a more well-rounded arm wrestler. 

So why not give it a try and see if you can master the hook in arm wrestling?

About Diederik

Diederik has been practicing arm wrestling for over 4 years now. He enjoys helping beginners to learn proper arm wrestling techniques and also maintains oversight of safety.