Judging Arm Wrestling: Rules, Regulations, and Illegal Moves

Arm wrestling involves more rules than you might expect and a lot of matches come down to the referee.

Arm wrestling has specific rules and regulations that must be followed by all competitors. 

These rules cover everything from the grip that competitors are allowed to use, to the techniques and strategies that are allowed during a match. 

The referee is responsible for enforcing the rules and making decisions during a match. By understanding the rules, you can use them to your advantage and emerge victorious.

We will provide a comprehensive overview of the steps involved in judging arm wrestling, as well as some key tips and strategies for making fair and accurate decisions. 

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced arm wrestling judge, this information will help you understand the ins and outs of judging arm wrestling matches.

arm wrestling match and a referee holding a yellow card

The Process and Terms Used in Arm Wrestling Matches

The order in which a referee sets up an arm wrestling match and the terms used may vary depending on the specific rules and regulations of the competition. However, in general, the process and terms used may be similar to the following:

  1. The referee will instruct the competitors to approach the arm wrestling table and take their positions.
  2. The referee will ask the competitors if they are ready to begin the match.
  3. The referee will then give the command “close your hands,” which indicates that the competitors should grip each other’s hand and prepare to begin the match.
  4. The referee will look if your thumb knuckles are free. This ensures that the competitors have a fair and equal grip on each other’s hand, because the higher you sit on someone’s thumb knuckle the more leverage you have
  5. The referee will then give the command “ready, go,” which indicates that the competitors should begin the match.
  6. The competitors will then engage in arm wrestling, with the goal of overpowering their opponent and forcing their hand down onto the table.
  7. The referee will observe the match and make decisions as necessary, such as declaring a winner or stopping the match if there is an injury or other issue.

In conclusion, the order in which a referee sets up an arm wrestling match and the terms used may vary depending on the specific rules and regulations of the competition. However, in general, the process and terms used may involve instructing the competitors to take their positions, giving the command to close and free their hands, and then giving the signal to begin the match.

1. The rules and regulations of arm wrestling

In order to judge arm wrestling matches effectively, it is important to understand the rules and regulations that govern the sport. These rules serve to ensure that the competition is fair and safe for all participants.

Some of the key rules and regulations of arm wrestling include:

  1. Arm wrestling matches are typically contested between two competitors, who face each other across a table with their arms placed on a surface known as a “paddle”.
  2. The objective of the game is for one competitor to force the other’s arm down to the paddle, using only the strength of their own arm.
  3. To begin a match, both competitors must place their elbows on the starting line, and grip each other’s hand in a specific way known as the “hook grip”.
  4. The match is started and stopped by a designated official, using a clear and decisive signal.
  5. During the match, competitors are not allowed to use illegal moves or techniques such as jerking, twisting, or pulling the other competitor’s arm or body.
  6. If a competitor violates any of these rules, they may be disqualified from the match.
  7. The match is won when one competitor forces the other’s arm down to the paddle, or if the other competitor is unable to continue the match due to injury or exhaustion.
  8. The winner of the match is determined by the official judge, who must make a quick and accurate decision based on their observations of the competition.

It is important for arm wrestling judges to understand and enforce these rules and regulations, in order to ensure that the competition is fair and safe for all participants.

2. Look for signs of illegal moves or cheating

As an arm wrestling judge, it is important to watch the competitors carefully and look for signs of illegal moves or cheating. This is essential in order to ensure that the competition is fair and that the winner is determined based on their skill and strength, rather than by breaking the rules.

referee making fault gestureSome common signs of illegal moves or cheating in arm wrestling include:

  1. Jerking: This is when a competitor quickly and violently pulls or twists the other competitor’s arm, in an attempt to gain an unfair advantage. This is not allowed in arm wrestling, and judges should watch for this type of move and disqualify any competitor who uses it.
  2. Pinching or pinching: This is when a competitor uses their fingers to pinch or dig into the other competitor’s hand or arm, in an attempt to cause pain and discomfort. This is not allowed in arm wrestling, and judges should watch for this type of move and disqualify any competitor who uses it.
  3. Grabbing or pulling: This is when a competitor uses their free hand to grab or pull the other competitor’s arm or body, in an attempt to gain leverage or throw them off balance. This is not allowed in arm wrestling, and judges should watch for this type of move and disqualify any competitor who uses it.
  4. Lifting: This is when a competitor raises their elbow off the starting line during the match, in an attempt to gain a height advantage over the other competitor. This is not allowed in arm wrestling, and judges should watch for this type of move and disqualify any competitor who uses it.

It is important for arm wrestling judges to be vigilant and alert for any signs of illegal moves or cheating, in order to ensure that the competition is fair and that the rules are enforced.

3. Make sure both competitors are ready before starting the match

As an arm wrestling judge, it is important to make sure that both competitors are ready before starting the match. This is essential in order to ensure that the competition is fair and that the competitors are prepared to compete at their best.

There are several key things that judges should look for to determine if both competitors are ready to start the match:

  1. Physical readiness: Both competitors should be physically fit and prepared to engage in the intense physical exertion required for arm wrestling. This means that they should be in good physical condition, with no injuries or physical limitations that would prevent them from competing.
  2. Mental readiness: Both competitors should be mentally prepared and focused, with a clear and determined mindset. They should be able to concentrate and stay focused throughout the duration of the match, without being distracted by external factors.
  3. Equipment readiness: Both competitors should have the necessary equipment and clothing to compete safely and comfortably. This includes items such as gloves, elbow pads, and other protective gear.
  4. Position readiness: Both competitors should be properly positioned and ready to begin the match. This means that they should have their elbows on the starting line, and their grip on the other competitor’s hand should be correct and secure.

In order to determine if both competitors are ready to start the match, judges should carefully observe and assess these key factors. If any of these factors are not in order, judges should take the necessary steps to address the issue before starting the match.

4. Use a clear and decisive signal to start and stop the match

As an arm wrestling judge, it is important to use a clear and decisive signal to start and stop the match. This is essential in order to ensure that the competition is fair and that the competitors are able to perform at their best.

There are several key considerations when it comes to using a clear and decisive signal to start and stop the match:

  1. Timing: The signal to start the match should be given at the appropriate time, when both competitors are ready and in position. The signal to stop the match should be given as soon as one competitor wins, or if there is a violation of the rules or a safety issue.
  2. Clarity: The signal should be clear and easily recognizable, so that both competitors can easily understand it. This could be a verbal command, such as “Go!”, or a physical gesture, such as raising a hand or waving a flag.
  3. Consistency: The signal should be used consistently throughout the competition, so that both competitors know what to expect and can react appropriately.
  4. Confidence: The signal should be given with confidence and authority, so that both competitors know that it is a legitimate and decisive action.

Using a clear and decisive signal to start and stop the match is essential for arm wrestling judges, as it helps to ensure that the competition is fair and that the rules are followed.

5. Judge the match objectively and without bias

As an arm wrestling judge, it is important to judge the match objectively and without bias. This means making decisions based solely on the actions and performances of the competitors, without being influenced by personal opinions or preferences.

statue of justiceThere are several key considerations when it comes to judging a match objectively and without bias:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the rules and regulations of arm wrestling: In order to judge a match objectively, you should have a thorough understanding of the rules and regulations of the sport. This will help you to identify and interpret any violations or infractions that may occur during the match.
  2. Focus on the competitors and their actions: When judging a match, you should focus your attention on the competitors and their actions, rather than on external factors or distractions. This will help you to make accurate and impartial decisions, based solely on the performance of the competitors.
  3. Avoid personal opinions and preferences: It is important to avoid letting your personal opinions or preferences influence your decisions as a judge. This means setting aside any preconceived notions or biases, and judging the match solely on the merits of the competitors’ actions.
  4. Be impartial and objective: As a judge, it is important to be impartial and objective, and to make decisions based on the facts and evidence that you observe. This means being fair and unbiased, and treating all competitors equally and without favoritism.

Judging a match objectively and without bias is essential for arm wrestling judges, as it ensures that the competition is fair and that the winner is determined based on skill and performance, rather than on personal opinions or preferences.

6. Watch for the moment when one competitor gains control of the other’s arm

As an arm wrestling judge, it is important to watch for the moment when one competitor gains control of the other’s arm. This is a key moment in the match, as it indicates that one competitor has gained an advantage over the other, and may be on the verge of winning the match.

There are several key things to look for when watching for the moment when one competitor gains control of the other’s arm:

  1. Positioning: One competitor may gain control of the other’s arm by positioning their arm in a way that gives them leverage and advantage. This could involve using techniques such as the “top roll” or the “hook”, which allow the competitor to apply pressure and force the other’s arm down.
  2. Movement: One competitor may gain control of the other’s arm by using movement and momentum to their advantage. This could involve using techniques such as the “crank” or the “switch”, which allow the competitor to quickly and decisively change the direction of their arm, in order to gain an advantage.
  3. Resistance: One competitor may gain control of the other’s arm by using resistance and counter-pressure to their advantage. This could involve using techniques such as the “block” or the “reverse”, which allow the competitor to counter the other’s moves and maintain their own position.

Watching for the moment when one competitor gains control of the other’s arm is important for arm wrestling judges, as it helps them to accurately and promptly determine the winner of the match. By watching for this key moment, judges can make quick and decisive decisions, based on the actions and performances of the competitors.

7. Make a quick and accurate decision when one competitor wins the match

As an arm wrestling judge, it is important to make a quick and accurate decision when one competitor wins the match. This is essential in order to ensure that the competition is fair and that the winner is determined in a timely and decisive manner.

There are several key considerations when it comes to making a quick and accurate decision when one competitor wins the match:

  1. Observe the competition carefully: In order to make an accurate decision, you should carefully observe the match from start to finish, paying attention to the details and actions of the competitors. This will help you to identify the key moments and points in the match, and to make a decision based on the facts and evidence that you observe.
  2. Use your knowledge and expertise: As an arm wrestling judge, you should use your knowledge and expertise to accurately interpret the actions and performances of the competitors. This means being familiar with the rules and techniques of the sport, and being able to identify and understand any violations or infractions that may occur during the match.
  3. Be decisive and confident: When making a decision, you should be decisive and confident. This means being firm and clear in your decision, and communicating it to the competitors and audience in a confident and authoritative manner.
  4. Be prepared to justify your decision: In some cases, you may be asked to justify or explain your decision. This could be in the case of a close or controversial match, or if there is a dispute or challenge to your decision. In these situations, you should be prepared to explain and defend your decision, based on the evidence and observations that you have made.

Making a quick and accurate decision when one competitor wins the match is essential for arm wrestling judges, as it helps to ensure that the competition is fair and that the rules are followed. By making decisive and well-informed decisions, judges can contribute to the integrity and fairness of the sport.

8. Be prepared to explain and justify your decision if necessary

When making a decision as a judge in arm wrestling, it is important to be prepared to explain and justify your decision if necessary. This means that you should have a clear understanding of the rules and criteria for determining the winner of an arm wrestling match, and be able to articulate your reasoning for why a particular competitor should be declared the winner.

When judging an arm wrestling match, there are several key factors to consider. These include the strength and technique of the competitors, the amount of force each competitor is able to generate, and the amount of control each competitor has over their opponent’s arm. In order to make an informed and fair decision, you should pay close attention to these factors and consider them carefully before making your decision.

It is also important to remain impartial and objective when judging an arm wrestling match. This means that you should not let personal biases or preferences influence your decision, and should instead focus on the facts and the rules of the competition.

If someone challenges your decision or asks you to explain your reasoning, you should be able to provide a clear and concise explanation for why you made the decision that you did. This may involve referencing the rules of the competition, discussing the specific factors that you took into account when making your decision, or providing other relevant information that supports your decision.

In conclusion, being prepared to explain and justify your decision is an important part of judging arm wrestling, as it ensures that your decision is fair, informed, and in line with the rules of the competition. By considering all relevant factors and remaining objective and impartial, you can make decisions that are well-supported and defensible.

9. Understand the different techniques and strategies used in arm wrestling

When judging arm wrestling, it is important to understand the different techniques and strategies that are used in the sport. This knowledge can help you make more informed and accurate decisions as a judge, and can also help you identify which competitor is likely to win a particular match.

There are several key techniques and strategies that are commonly used in arm wrestling. Some of these techniques are designed to maximize the amount of force that a competitor is able to generate, while others are focused on gaining and maintaining control over the opponent’s arm. Understanding these techniques and how they are used can help you identify which competitor is using them effectively and which competitor is likely to win the match.

One common technique used in arm wrestling is called the “hook.” This involves using the elbow and forearm to create a lever, which allows the competitor to generate a large amount of force and potentially overpower their opponent. Another common technique is called the “top roll,” which involves using the upper arm and shoulder to apply pressure and control the opponent’s arm. Understanding these techniques and how they are used can help you identify which competitor is using them effectively and make more informed decisions as a judge.

In addition to techniques, there are also various strategies that competitors may use in arm wrestling matches. For example, some competitors may try to use a quick and explosive move to catch their opponent off guard, while others may try to wear their opponent down with a slow and steady approach. Understanding these strategies and how they are used can also help you make more informed decisions as a judge.

In conclusion, understanding the different techniques and strategies used in arm wrestling can be very helpful when judging arm wrestling matches. By knowing what to look for and how to identify effective techniques and strategies, you can make more informed and accurate decisions as a judge.

Take home message

To judge arm wrestling effectively, there are several key steps that you should follow. These include:

  1. Knowing all the rules and regulations
  2. The process of setting up an armwrestling match
  3. Understand the different techniques and strategies used in arm wrestling.
  4. Watch arm wrestling matches carefully and pay attention to the details.
  5. Follow the rules and criteria for determining the winner of an arm wrestling match.
  6. Be prepared to explain and justify your decision if necessary.

By following these steps and using the tips and strategies outlined in this article, you can become a confident and effective arm wrestling judge. Whether you’re judging arm wrestling matches for fun or as part of a competition, this information will help you make fair and accurate decisions.

In conclusion, arm wrestling is a thrilling and exciting sport that involves more rules than you might expect. 

By understanding these rules and how to apply them, you can become a confident and effective arm wrestling judge and help ensure that matches are fair and competitive.

About Diederik

Diederik has been practicing arm wrestling for over 4 years now. He enjoys helping beginners to learn proper arm wrestling techniques and also maintains oversight of safety.